if i hadn't read the book, i would probably still be watching the movie, trying to figure out what the fuck and why the fuck and how the fuck.
the best part about the movie is patty duke. the worst part about the movie is sharon tate, which is also the best part about the movie, so explain that one. sharon tate in real life was married to roman polanski and was murdered by members of the charles manson "family." i learned that on wikipedia.
it's pretty obvious what makes these nonhipsters nonhipsters. the very essence of hipstersdom is harking back to an earlier time, referencing something that evokes something in something. you can't be hip without imitating what you think is hip. and you can't be nonhip without knowing that you're imitating what you think is hip.
you can't be a nonhipster without first being on the road to being a hipster.
these dolls in the valley, these dolls taking these dolls, are actually authentic. they're actors, they're snobs, they dress fancy, and they have amazing hair. and they drink a lot, not to emulate their predecessors, but because they're genuinely miserable. nothing says nonhipster less than being actually miserable and acting accordingly.
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