Astute and curious reader Ashley sent in this photo. At first assuming he was NOT a hipster, she then questioned herself. Could that mullet really make this scowling, Bart train-riding man a hipster?
The answer, in three parts but no uncertain terms, is no, this man is not a hipster.
First, he is not a hipster because he is riding a train downtown in the morning, presumably to a job, and if he is on Ashley's train that means he is on time for said job. That's not a very hipster thing to be: punctual, that is.
Second, he appears to be older than the cut-off age of 32 (and that is the very, very tail end of hipsterdom, friends). Now this is a blurry phone photo, but I think we can all agree that he's got some gray hairs on those temples (I feel your pain, dude, as I, Blu, also suffer from premature graying. It is a sad, sad state of affairs).
And third, and most importantly, that mullet appears to be just how his hair falls naturally! He hasn't gussied it up with a head scarf, or some loose, stray, greasy tendrils to let us in on his little hipster hair joke. No, his hair is clean, combed, and mulleted. Now, that my friends, is an unironic mullet. And therefore, sir, you are not a hipster.
But congrats on rocking the mullet bravely, and for your seeming employment, and for your use of public transit. We nonhipsters sallute you.
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