You weren't a hipster, Dom, but you were rad. You shall be missed!
I was once at a steak house in Florida and Dom was there. He was making the whole restaurant laugh. When I finished my food, he took the plate from me and drew a picture on it in sharpie. It was of Dom's face and a horse. It wasn't very good, but I loved it and I loved him. And he let me smoke his cigar. I was 13 years old.
If you don't know Dom, check out "Spaceballs" and "Robinhood Men in Tights." And "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas."
Things Dom shared in common with hipsters:
1)He was from Brooklyn
2)He went to college in the North East
3) He wore funny hats
Things Dom did not have in common with hipsters:
1) He was funny, damn it
2) He loved food and ate it in public and even wrote cookbooks
3)He worked steadily his whole life and made his way up in the industry with nothing to help him but a gut and grin
I'll be drinking in his honor and watching Mel Brooke's films tonight, if you're looking for me.
Just listening to him laugh would crack me up. I gotta bust out "Cannonball Run."