look, i know i'm not a hipster because i don't even know who charles bukowski is. and unlike a nonhipster hipster, i don't pretend to know who charles bukowski is. i just don't give a shit. and i was an english major, goddamnit. and i'm not embarrassed to say so.
even if the driver of that car knows who bukowski is, i'm pretty sure he's never read one of his poems. and if he, lord help us, has read a bukowski poem, i'm sure he can't actually relate to it. at all. ever.
and the irony of it is, an actual hipster who reads bukowski would never advertise it on his bumper. with a sticker. a bumper sticker. not just because an actual hipster probably doesn't have a car, but because actual hipsters don't advertise. and don't spend $4.99 on stickers.
just saying.